Friday, April 10, 2020

Psychological Disorder Paper free essay sample

Psychological Disorder Paper An out-of-body experience is explained by few as a sense of being detached from one’s body, and if associated with other factors like a sense that the world is not real, far away, or even foggy. This with the combination of failure to recall significant personal information, or the content of a meaningful conversation forgotten from one second to the next are signs of a psychological disorder known as Dissociative Disorder. Considered as a rare and mysterious psychiatric curiosity, Dissociative Disorders will be the psychological disorder that will be discussed in this paper. The term Dissociative Disorder is commonly used when the individual does not meet the criteria for a specific disorder, yet the individual has indicator or signs that would place him or her in a group labeled Dissociative Disorder. Memory loss, depression, anxiety, sense of being detached, blurred and imaginary perception as well as unclear sense of identity are the common signs and symptoms of Dissociative Disorders. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychological Disorder Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition, the American Psychiatric Association has recognized and defined four key Dissociative Disorders and they are; Dissociative Identity Disorder, Dissociative Amnesia, Depersonalization Disorder, and Dissociative Fugue. The most recognized and publicized Dissociative Disorder is Multiple Personality Disorder or Dissociative Identity Disorder. This is a state that is linked with the display of switching alternate identities when the individual is under strain and distress. In dissociative identity disorder, individuals may sense the existence of there being voices conversing or existing inside their head. In addition, individuals with this disorder experience major disruptions in memory along with two or more distinct personalities. Furthermore, every one of these personalities may have a distinctive name, private past as well as individual characteristics. This can encompass apparent change in the individual’s voice, mannerisms, and sexual characteristics. In addition, there are also differences that are acknowledged by the way in how recognizable each identity is with the others. However, not all psychologists believe that dissociative identity disorder is real. Some have suggested other mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and borderline personality disorder is often mistaken as dissociative identity disorder. Individuals diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder more often than not also have dissociative amnesia as well. Another Dissociative Disorder would be Dissociate Fugue, which is a disorder that illustrates the individual’s sudden amnesia and identity confusion. When in a fugue state, the individual might unexpectedly travel long distances from home, wandering through different cities. In some rare cases, individuals have been known to take on a totally new identity. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines socialization as â€Å"a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position†(Merriam-Webster, 2011). However, this disorder can become a double-edged sword because it protects the individuals from awareness of the pain, yet the individuals who dissociates themselves often find personal history and identity is affected. Furthermore, these actions do result in serious pathology, trouble forming or maintaining relationships as well as failure to function when under stress. Individuals with Dissociated Disorders tend not to remember encounters or conversations that they may have with other individuals within society. This can lead to hurt feelings or a sense of disrespect and hate towards those individuals diagnosed with a Dissociated Disorder because they are not aware of this. This also proves that these actions or behaviors can lead to habitual defensive dissociation that may result into serious dysfunction in work, social, and daily activities alike. Human development is considered as the process of attaining a best level of health and well-being that takes into account physical, biological, mental, emotional, social, economic, and cultural means. However, with disassociated disorders untreated it can make this simply impossible for the individuals battling this disorder to achieve. At an intellectual and social level this disorder can cause individuals to isolate one’s self from the public as well as view individuals within their society as possible predators. This can lead as well as cause mental and emotional stress on the individuals. Furthermore, this would deter these individuals from change or obtaining coping skills that would allow the individuals a way to manage the disorder in a positive and healthy manner. Dissociated Disorders can hider progress within the individual trying to obtain psychological needs such as food and sleep. According to Maslow, these needs are the most basic and instinctive needs in the hierarchy of his theory because all needs become secondary until these physiological needs are met. Based on the symptoms or signs of this disorder, the individuals may suffer insomnia or a sense of fatigue as well as a lack of appetite or extreme eating conditions that is developed to cope with the disorder. The next level of needs that this disorder affects is the individuals’ security needs that include employment and shelter from the environment. Dissociated Disorders may cause individuals to go from job to job because they are not able to maintain at one job. In addition, some individuals wind up in the court system or even homeless because of their disorder. They are unable to maintain employment needed for housing and normally end up in the streets or in prison. Social needs on Maslow’s hierarchy are another factor that is affected by this disorder. The need for belonging and love can be very difficult for these individuals to meet because the disorder, when untreated, makes having and maintaining a relationship impossible. Furthermore, these individuals are likely to isolate themselves from their community to avoid such stressful situations that this can create. Treatment for Dissociated Disorder can encompass few avenues for the individual to explore. Psychotherapy or Cognitive Therapy appears to be the main treatment for this group of disorders. This form of treatment includes talking about the disorder as well as issues associated with this disorder together with a mental health provider. This will assist the individuals with this disorder to be aware of the cause of the condition, and to develop positive and healthy techniques of managing stressful situations. In some situations hypnosis is introduced into this treatment in order to assist the individual in recollecting the trauma that triggered the symptoms of the disorder. In general, this treatment tactic is very helpful in dealing with individuals that face dissociative disorders. Another idea or tool for treatment that is used for Dissociated Disorders is Creative Art Therapy. This is a type of therapy assist individuals in expressing their thoughts and feelings by using a creative process to do so. This therapy encompasses such positive outlets for these individuals through dance, art, poetry, and music. In addition, this form of therapy also offers the individuals the opportunity to encourage self-awareness as well as a healthy way to foster positive changes that allows these individuals to deal with their symptoms and traumatic experiences. A treatment that may be used as last resort or as a combination with other treatment plans or therapy would be Medication Therapy. This is a therapy that incorporates medication in order to offer the individual a fuller life. Even though there are no medications that specifically treat dissociative disorders, antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications or tranquilizers are used to assist in managing the symptoms that are associated with dissociative disorders. In conclusion, this paper has described and illustrated the effectiveness that Dissociated Disorders have on the individuals’ human development as well as their socialization. In addition, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was used to illustrate how this disorder can affect the individuals’ quality of living if the disorder goes untreated. Even with challenges and obstacles that are placed in front of these individuals, there is still hope for them to obtain or accomplish a certain level of need that is required for them to function within their own society in a positive and healthy way. It was best said by Mohandas Gandhi when addressing human development and socialization by saying; â€Å"I claim that human mind or human society is not divided into watertight compartments called social, political and religious. All act and react upon one another. † References: Cornell University College of Human Ecology, (Homepage, 2011): http://www. human. cornell. edu Mayo Clinic, (Homepage, 2011): http://www. mayoclinic. com Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, (Homepage, 2011): http://www. merriam-webster. com National Alliance on Mental Illness, (Homepage, 2011): http://www. nami. org Web MD, (Homepage, 2011): http://www. webmd. com

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